The magic of sourdough
One essential key for achieving an open crumb is the leavening power of your sourdough (a recipe for building a powerful sourdough from scratch follows shortly). Before building your levain, you have to otimize and maximize your starter’s power. How to do that (credits: Kristen from fullproofbaking) I show you in this short video.
You wanna be absolutely sure that your starter is ready? Check smell and taste (both should be pleasant, the flavour should cover a citrus-joghurt aroma – credits: Vanessa Kimbell). Last but not least check also by a quick floating test: add a teaspoon of your starter in a water-filled glass – your starter floats on the surface? Congrats – You are ready to proceed!
Wasting sourdough? Nope
During the 3-4 refreshments and feeding cycles, you will always end up with a certain amount of unused sourdough. In order to avoid too much excess, make sure to perform feeding with just as small quantities as possible. Just in the final round, on baking day, when it comes to build the levain, your are going for the full amount you need. Now what to do with your sourdough discards? Click HERE and have a look at Fleur de Levain (credits: Karl de Smedt, The Sorudough Librarian)!
Do you have any specific question? Write me an email or contact me directly HERE. I am looking forward to your message!