Mamma Mia! This is what came straight to our minds end of January in the beautiful city of Vienna.
Together with Francesco Luigi Carusi, “Il poeta del pane” (the bread poet – this is how they call him in Italy…and…they are right!) we italo-breadified the amazing Miele Experience Center.
Francesco (his home-town is Carrara, which became very popular for the amazing marble) baked us through Focaccie, Ciabatte, Pane Apuano and Cantuccini. Our #brotokoll hitlist featured the already known “Wilde Emma” but also new mediterranean creations: Don Panino and Little Italy.
Naturalmente, as they say in Italy, we worked with natural leavening power: Pasta madre, yeastwater, and classic wheat sourdough.
A big thank you to all participants – We really had “molto” fun with you! E…grazie anche a te Francesco!
Bella Italia? Check this out!
A big Thank you also to our Flour-Power-Support from bongu, Molino Magri, Mulino Val D’Orcia und Allramdaham.
Two workshops, 8 hours each – sounds a long time? Believe me, it’s not. And in order to avoid an Azzurro-depression, I have Felicitá news for you!
#brotokoll On Tour 19 has just started!
All actual and upcoming workshops are listed in the EVENT CALENDAR.
I am already in talks for further #brotokoll Workshops . Do you have a specific workshop-request? Or have you alreday set up a whole group for a workshop, with or without a location? I am looking forward to your message!
Ready, set, bake! In the meantime, have fun with the recipe-world of #brotokoll.