This #brotokoll creation is featuring a let’s say congenial duo. Pure harmony! No fighting, freedom for eyeryone and no traps. Hence, we are not talking about Tom & Jerry but: Cheese and Berry
Let’s start with the cheese : cypriot halloumi! This delicious cheese (made of cow, sheep or goatmail – or even a mixture of all of them) has a very special characteristic, which we will take advantage of: it’s consistency! Even on your barbecue it keeps a part of it’s strength and results in a fantastic chewy pleasure. So – this cheese seemed to be perfect for a new ciabatta recipe!
Halloumi’s counterpart: bilberries. Perfect harmony of the berries’ sweetness and light acidity with their salty soul-…aaa…cheesemate.
Tipo 0 and Semolina Rimacinata is one of my favorite flour combinations. Einkorn covers the wholegrain part and makes a great crust. und macht eine tolle Kruste! Responsible for leavening the dough: a two-stages wild yeastwater poolish.
And there is another special ingredient – which makes me officialy announing:
#brotkoll proudly presents
With Cheese’n Berry we are proudly launching the #brotokoll – Fleur de levain series. Fleur de Levain is new to you? Well, then you definitely missed the Sourdough Librarian here on the blog. Click HERE and read through this amazing interview with Karl de Smedt.
Yeast water powered ciabattas have a very mild and neutral taste (no acidity in comparison with sourdough). Fleur de Levain adds a whole new aroma profile – HERE I show you the way how to make it.
Happy Baking with Cheese’n Berry!
You still don’t have wild yeast water in your portfolio? HERE you will learn everything you need to know.
- 260 g Tipo 0, italian flour available at
- 40 g Semolina Rimacinata available at
- 40 g Einkorn wholegrain flour
- 10 g Fleur de Levain
- 140 g Yeastwater active
- 135 g Water
- 40 g Halloumi (cypriot cheese) in small cubes
- 30 g Bilberries fresh, sliced
- 7,5 g Salt
- 1 g Thyme dried
- 6 g Oliveoil
TA (Hydration) 182 (82%) Ingredients
70g Yeastwater, active
Mix all pre-dough ingredients. Depending on the power of your yeastwater, let it rise between 8 and 12 hours until the Poolish has doubled in size (put it into a high bin or container).
30g Tipo 0, italian flour
20g Semolina Rimacinata
20g Einkorn wholegrain floul
1g Thyme, dried
70g Yeastwatwer, active
Mix all ingredients. Depending on the power of your yeastwater, let it rise between 3 and 6 hours until the Poolish has again doubled in size (put it into a high bin or container).
160g Tipo 0, italian flour
20g Semolina Rimacinata
20g Einkorn wholegrain flour
10g Fleur de Levain
100g Water (cold)
Mix the flours with fleur de levain, water and poolish and let it rest well covered for 90-120 minutes at room-temperature (Autolyse).
7,5 g Salt
35 g Water (cold)
6 g Olive-oil
40 g Halloumi cheese, in cubes
30 g Bilberries, sliced
Add salt to the autolyse-dough and knead your dough for 4 minutes with your mixing-machine (low level), until it releases from the bowl. Increase speed and add the indicated water stepwise (during that process lower your speed while adding water and increase once the water has been absorbed). After the last amount of water, add the oliveoil with the same procedure (lower your speed while adding the oil and increase speed once the oil has been absorbed).Now knead the dough at high speed, until the dough releases from the bowl, the dough develops good gluten and you are able to perform a good window-pane-test. You are ready? Than just add the halloumi cheese, together with the bilberries and mix at low speed for 60-90 seconds (low speed is very important for protecting the gluten from damage).